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Radiology Science is a peer reviewed, open access journal on radiology science and technology focusing on interdisciplinary studies of radiology combined with informatics such as Artificial Intelligence and big data for both diagnostic and treatment purposes. The journal aims to equip clinicians and physicians with biomedical engineering and computer science tools and solutions by publishing state-of-the-art studies with translational and clinical potential, and contributions from biomedical engineers and computer scientists are encouraged to demonstrate clinical potential.

Apart from diagnostic imaging methodologies and technologies and interventional radiology, the journal is especially interested in the following areas:

  • Methodological and technological innovation in imaging technologies and devices for ultrasound, MRI, PET etc
  • Combination of imaging with other indicators, e.g., lab studies throughout diagnoses and treatments
  • Molecular imaging
  • Novel application of big data and Artificial Intelligence in clinical setting, including biomarker identification, quantitative imaging, computed tomography, imaging processing and patient information management etc
  • Protocols and workflows in changing clinical setting with introduction of advanced informatics

Submissions to Radiology Science are made using ScholarOne, the online submission and peer review system. Registration and access are available at